Business Model Generation – A handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers

Business Model Generation – A handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers

Back in June 2009 I visited the “Business Model Innovation Knowledge Fair and Book Launch” in Amsterdam, where a first (prototype)version of the Business Model Generation (hand)book was launched by Alex Osterwalder and his team. Furthermore I was able to meet the book-team as well as over 100 business model practitioners from 13 different countries there.

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The One Minute Manager (Blanchard & Johnson, 1983)

The One Minute Manager (Blanchard & Johnson, 1983)

The One Minute Manager has sold over 13 million copies and has been translated into 37 languages, which proves that a good and interesting book doesn’t have to be thick. With just 110 pages it provides a lot of information and examples to think about, and compare those with real-life situations. I found this book in relation to the “Getting Things Done” methodology, and ordered it right away. In the article below I provide a brief summary and my personal thoughts about the contents of this book.

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